What does it mean to... FIGHT for your life?
It's funny how you can hear something you have heard before, but interpret it in a completely new way.
Some people have had to in a very literal way, fight for their life. Fight to keep their heart beating to the next day, hour, even minute.
Fight the urge to sleep those extra few hours every morning.
I feel like we have to make a conscious effort to fight for our lives in a very different way, on a daily basis.
Fight the urge to sleep those extra few hours every morning.
Fight the urge to put off that workout...again.
Fight the urge to give up on your dreams, or even worse, the urge to give up on yourself.
We must fight to see our true potential. To not settle.
Fight to get to know our true selves. Connect with what we want out of life, and love ourselves enough to go for it.
Fight to to know that while we may not know HOW it will all work out, we believe in ourselves enough to know that we can and will figure it out.
So through the mundane, the every day, I encourage you to fight. Fight to live life to the fullest. Stretch your limits and discover what your capable of.
FIGHT for your life.
The crazy, amazingly hard, and beautiful life you were meant to live.

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